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Manage Your Documents Efficiently with

ePROMIS - One Platform To Replace Them All

Secure And Organize Your Documents With ePROMIS FutureGen Enterprise Cloud

Go Paperless By Managing All Your Documents Electronically

with ePROMIS Enterprise Cloud

Reduce Operating Costs

Minimize your operating expenses related to paper printing and filing. Improve control over document management by maintaining electronic documents for quick and easy access.

Improve Archiving Functionality

ePROMIS SaaS ERP software enables your business to build a smooth archiving system. Store documents in an organized manner by adding indexes and retrieve them without any delays.

Stringent Security

Adhere to stringent data security protocols to prevent any unauthorized access. Maintain timely backup of information to avoid any losses due to unforeseen events.

Better Collaboration

Make it easier to share documents and collaborate on projects with ePROMIS Enterprise platform. Access documents from multiple locations and get instant visibility into workflows at any time.

Better Storage

Create a green office environment by converting all paper files into electronic format. Save space and increase productivity by managing all organizational documents from one centralized location.

Easier Data Retrieval

Reduce the time spent on retrieving important organizational documents. Streamline document management processes and tag or label files to ensure quick data retrieval.

Attain True Digital Transformation

If you're looking for a secure and reliable way to store and organize your documents, ePROMIS FutureGen Enterprise Cloud is the perfect solution. Our cloud-based platform is designed for businesses of all sizes, and we offer a range of features that make it easy to manage your data. Plus, our team of experts is always available to help you get the most out of our platform. Contact us today to learn more about ePROMIS FutureGen Enterprise Cloud and how it can benefit your business.

Comprehensive Approval And Monitoring System

Capture, track, and retrieve any document seamlessly with ePROMIS Enterprise Cloud. Reduce paper filing by converting documents into digital format for better management and access.

Document Imaging:

Reduce the usage of paper for official work by converting documents into digital format.

Control Document Access:

Provide role-based access to documents to prevent data misuse and enhance security. Ensure no third party has access to sensitive data and manage statutory compliance effectively.

Reduced Storage Space:

Maintain electronic records to eliminate storage space hassles at the workplace.

Streamline Document Management And Retrieval

Enhance document storage and monitor electronic records to create a more productive work environment. Save invaluable time, boost staff morale, and streamline workflows with ePROMIS SaaS ERP software.

Robust Search Functionality:

Utilize the powerful search functionality to retrieve important documents instantly.

Track Document Changes:

Utilize revision control functionality to track versions of the same document and manage work better.

Manage Attachments:

Attach video, image, and text files to enhance the flow of documents and share information effectively.

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