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A solution to eliminate costly errors, use

ePROMIS to estimate, plan, and execute

Estimation tool built just for the construction industry- ePROMIS Construction Cloud

Fit-for-purpose construction estimation tool

ePROMIS Enterprise Cloud

Project organization

Manage multiple projects with a single dashboard. Use advanced sorting and storing systems to move between projects and multi-task.

Resource management

Predict resource requirements and avoid wastage or hoarding. Avoid stock-out situations of construction materials or equipment.

Change management

Alter the quantity, rate, or other factors and get instant quote changes. Utilize innovative tools to include local and international variables in pre-defined formulae.

Mark-up comparison

Compare the cost of every single machine or resource with the total cost. Find cost-inducing elements for switching alternatives or better control.

Tender management

Offer customized tenders or quotes to your customers with the estimates. Finalize your projects in a rapid and well-decided manner.


Use report templates to analyze real-time parameters. Learn wastage analysis, resource requirements, and more for performance management. Export the reports in multiple formats for further analysis.

Attain True Digital Transformation with an All in One Cloud ERP

If you're looking for an effective way to manage your operations, ePROMIS ERP Cloud is a great option. With ePROMIS, you can plan and schedule your operations effectively, and access all the data you need to make informed decisions. ePROMIS ERP Cloud also offers a variety of features that can help you streamline your operations and improve your bottom line. If you're ready to take your operations to the next level, ePROMIS Cloud ERP is the right solution for you. Contact us today to learn more about how our software can help you improve your bottom line. Some of the benefits of using ePROMIS Cloud ERP include:

  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Better estimation decision making through real-time data access
  • Greater flexibility and scalability
  • Lower overall costs

Price management

Capture and compare prices of different resources and analyze competitor projects. Include applied factors and predefined formulae to create better pricing models.

Quick Customization:

Use previous data and formats to create customized price sheets.

Manage subcontractors:

Include subcontractor rates and quotes in your estimates. Compare and choose the best subcontractor for your construction.

Workflow management

Manage and control your projects and margin from day one. Save considerable time by utilizing pre-defined estimates based on your past successful projects.


Increase business transparency and trust by offering accurate estimates

Quality management:

Utilize estimates as your benchmark to manage procurement, productivity, allocation, and others.

Error elimination:

Avoid manual errors and personal opinions tainting the estimated amount.

Track resources:

Track discrepancies and lags by comparing the current progress and estimate. Patch small problems as early as possible

Customer management

Offer accurate estimates to your clients even at earlier stages to improve customer relationship management. Improve clarity of the business process, the resource required, and more.

Speedy quotes:

Reduce time and resources required for generating varying estimates based on client requirements.


Share the estimates in Excel, PDF, and others on multiple devices. Utilize the ePROMIS Cloud to share it instantly with your team.

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